Ready Meal Inspection

Explore just a few of the wide range of applications in the ready meal manufacturing process where Cognex vision and ID products are used to improve quality and drive down costs. Simply click on an application around the pizza box to see Cognex products in action.

ready meal packaging for pizza
ready meal box assembly check play preview
Cognex Insight checking Ready Meal box assembly pass fail
VISION: Check box assembly
ready meal  ingredient color check for placement verification play preview
Cognex insight Ready Meal ingredient color check for placement verification pass fail
VISION: Check colors of ingredients
ready meal match contents to package play preview
Cognex In-Sight Ready Meal match contents to package pass fail
VISION: Confirm contents match packaging
ready meal size measurement play preview
Cognex In-Sight size measurement of Ready Meal pass fail
VISION: Measure size of pizza
ready meal verify barcode print quality play preview
Cognex dataman Ready Meal verify barcode print quality pass fail
ID: Verify quality of printed bar code
ready meal sell by and batch code review play preview
Cognex Insight series Ready Meal sell by and batch code review pass fail
VISION: Verify sell-by date and batch code


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