
  • 改進成像性能,實現準確的細微特徵測量和分析
  • 客製化機器視覺解決方案,調整不同視野和景深選項
  • 即使在低光源環境下也能產生高對比的檢測影像
  • 矯正光學變形,例如模糊、陰影和彩色邊紋,提供更準確的成像



Standard and Large Format Lenses

Moritex standard and large format lenses provide flexible optical solutions for a range of applications. These lenses are compatible with different camera types, from low-resolution models to advanced area scan and line scan cameras with over 16 MP resolutions. This ensures optimal performance in various imaging scenarios and manufacturing environments.


系列名稱 基本規格 主要應用 相容產品
SR系列 C接口,最大 1.1 吋感測器尺寸 汽車業:機械組件和電動汽車電池檢測

電子業:元件、PCB 和半導體檢測


In-Sight 3800 (800萬,1200萬和1600萬像素)
In-Sight 9000 (1200萬像素)
DataMan 580
DataMan 380
UR系列 C接口,最大 2/3 吋感測器尺寸 In-Sight 3800 (3, 5MP)
In-Sight 2800 (2MP)
In-Sight D900
In-Sight 8000 (5MP)
In-Sight 7000 (5MP)
DataMan 380
DataMan 280
HR系列 C接口,最大 2/3 吋感測器尺寸 In-Sight 2800 (160萬像素)
In-Sight 8000 (200萬像素)
In-Sight 7000 (200萬像素)
DataMan 380
DataMan 280
FF系列 M39和 M35接口,多種最大感測器尺寸 線路掃描和大畫區域掃描攝影機 (>2000萬像素)

Moritex Telecentric Lenses

Telecentric lenses reduce perspective errors and magnification changes that can occur when imaging objects are presented at different working distances. Known for precision, they are used across many industries, including semiconductor, electronics manufacturing, electric vehicles, automotive, aerospace, clinical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical, among others. Moritex telecentric lenses deliver high-contrast, high-resolution, and low-distortion imaging, essential for accurate measurement, alignment, and inspection.


Family Name Basic Specs Key Applications Compatible Products
Telecentric Lenses MML HR Series C-Mount, 2/3" 1.3MP Max Sensor Size, 4.5um pixel size High-Accuracy Gauging: Accurate measurements that require no image distortion (e.g. metrology)

Alignment: Alignment verification at different working distances, eliminating perspective distortion

Critical Inspections: Presence/absence in complex scenes, proper placement of critical parts

Guidance: Pick and place, location detection and verification
In-Sight 3800 (≤ 3MP)
In-Sight 8000 (≤ 2MP)
In-Sight 7000 (≤ 2MP)
MML HR (5M) Series C-Mount, 2/3" 5MP Max Sensor Size, 3.45um pixel size In-Sight 3800 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 2800
In-Sight D900 (5MP)
In-Sight 8000 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 7000 (≤ 5MP)
MML SR Series C-Mount, 1.1" 12MP Max Sensor Size, 3.45um pixel size In-Sight 3800 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 2800
In-Sight 9000 (12MP)
In-Sight D900 (5MP)
In-Sight 8000 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 7000 (≤ 5MP)
DataMan 580
DataMan 380 (≤ 16MP)
Bi-Telecentric Lenses MTL Series C-Mount, 1.1", 18.5mm Max Sensor Size, 3.45um pixel size In-Sight 3800 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 2800
In-Sight 9000 (12MP)
In-Sight D900 (5MP)
In-Sight 8000 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 7000 (≤ 5MP)
DataMan 580
DataMan 380 (≤ 16MP)
C-Mount, 2/3", 11mm Max Sensor Size, 3.45um pixel size In-Sight 3800 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 2800
In-Sight D900 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 8000 (≤ 5MP)
In-Sight 7000 (≤ 5MP)


茉麗特是優秀的機器視覺系統的鏡頭和光源的供應商。我們具備光學設計的豐富知識,提供全方位的組件和配件,讓各行各業都能實現基於視覺的自動化。2023年 茉麗特被康耐視正式收購。兩家公司整合了互補技術,為工廠自動化提供完整的解決方案,從先進的視覺系統到高效能的鏡頭和光源。





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