可現場更換的通訊模組能夠依據特定通訊需求來設定各讀碼器,支持有線 RS-232、USB、乙太網路選項。
DataMan 8050 系列讀碼器是專為最嚴峻的環境而建構。工業特色包括:方便架設牽引器的掛繩鉤、正中央的明亮瞄準鏡可清楚瞄準目標、響亮蜂鳴器與指示燈光可提供回饋給操作人員。
ESD-Safe Housing Options
Electrostatic discharge (ESD), the sudden flow of static electricity between two objects, is a costly and dangerous threat to a broad range of industries. Select DataMan 8050 series models are designed with ESD protective housing to prevent costly damage to electronic parts and devices.