Unlock Maximum Performance with Data & Support

Our Customer Success Plans combine actionable data and flexible support options to ensure maximum performance and time to value with Cognex Modular Vision Tunnels. Choose from a range of plans based on your business needs.

All plans leverage Edge Intelligence, a software platform that offers robust analytics and delivers deeper insights into operations to inform data-driven business decisions.

circle graphic demonstrating customer value

Woman holding a computer in front of a series of screens

Self-Guided, Always-On

man with woman pointing at screen

Collaborate as needed

two employees looking at machinery

Leverage an expert partnership

Plan Summary
Standard Success Plan Premium Success Plan
Get started with your Modular Vision Tunnels and browse training and support as needed. Upgrade to Premium or Personalized at any time. Enhance your partnership with Cognex with key guidance and timely support when you need it most.
Learn more about your tunnels and solutions with self-service resources and tutorials Ensure timely support with fast responses to critical events
Go further by requesting additional training and resources as needed Partner with Cognex for an annual business review, tailored coaching, and an evaluation of tunnel performance
Includes Basic Edge Intelligence Tunnel Manager, with limited access to data and analytics Empower your teams with seats at exclusive training events
Includes Advanced Edge Intelligence Tunnel Manager, with unlimited access to data and analytics


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